Sartori AM, Kessler TM, Neuro-Urology - New experimental treatments. Primer on Urology. Springer (in press). 

Sartori AM, Kessler TM, Neuro-Urology – Treatments of Neurogenic Urinary Tract Symptoms in Both Sexes: Diagnosis. Primer on Urology. Springer (in press).

* Musco S, Ecclestone H, ‘t Hoen L, Blok BFM, Padilla-Fernández B, Del Popolo G, Groen J, Pannek J, TM Kessler, Karsenty G, Phé V, Sartori AM, Castro-Diaz DM, Hamid R. Efficacy and safety of surgical treatments for neurogenic stress urinary incontinence in adults: a systematic review. Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Sep 8: S2405-4569(21)00222-4.

* van der Lely S, Schmidhalter MR, Knüpfer SC, Sartori AM, Schneider MP, Stalder SA, Kessler TM, Liechti MD, Mehnert U. Lower urinary tract electrical sensory assessment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BJU Int. 2021 Aug 14.

Sartori AM*, B Padilla-Fernandez*, ‘t Hoen L, Blok BFM, Castro-Diaz DM, Del Popolo G, Musco S, Hamid R, Ecclestone H, Groen J, Karsenty G, Phé V, Kessler TM, Pannek J. Definitions of urinary tract infection used in interventional studies involving neurourological patients - A systematic review. Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Aug 14: S2405-4569(21)00192-9.

* Jörg E*, Sartori AM*, Hofer AS, Baumann CR, Kessler TM. Deep brain stimulation effects on lower urinary tract function: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020; 79:65-72. (*shared first authorship)

* Birkhäuser V, Liechti MD, Anderson CE, Bachmann LM, Baumann S, Baumberger M, Birder LA, Botter SM, Büeler S, Cruz CD, David G, Freund P, Friedl S, Gross O, Hund Georgiadis M, Husmann K, Jordan X, Koschorke M, Leitner L, Luca E, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Mohammadzada F, Monastyrskaya K, Pfender N, Pohl D, Sandri H, Sartori AM, Schubert M, Sprengel K, Stalder SA, Stoyanov J, Stress C, Tatu A, Tawadros C, van der Lely S, Wöllner J, Zubler V, Curt A, Pannek J, Brinkhof MWG, Kessler TM. TASCI – transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with acute spinal cord injury to prevent neurogenic detrusor overactivity: a protocol for a nationwide, randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. BMJ Open. 2020; 10(8):e039164.

Sartori AM, Kessler TM, Schwab ME. Methods for Assessing Lower Urinary Tract Function in Animal Models. Eur Urol Focus. 2020; S2405-4569(19)30382-7.

* Rust R, Weber RZ, Grönnert L, Mulders G, Maurer MA, Hofer AS, Sartori AM, Schwab ME. Anti-Nogo- A antibodies prevent vascular leakage and act as pro-angiogenic factors following stroke. Sci Rep. 2019; 9(1):20040.

Sartori AM, Schwab ME, Kessler TM. Ultrasound: A Valuable Translational Tool to Measure Postvoid Residual in Awake Rats? Eur Urol Focus. 2019; S2405-4569(19)30357-8.

* Birkhäuser V*, Sartori AM*, Bodmer NS, Conlon T, Thiel J, Kessler TM, Bachmann LM. Metaepidemiological Inventory of Diagnostic Studies on Urodynamics. Eur Urol Focus. 2019; S2405-4569(19)30365-7. (*shared first authorship)

Sartori AM*, Hofer AS*, Schwab ME. Recovery after spinal cord injury is enhanced by anti-Nogo-A antibody therapy – from animal models to clinical trials. Curr Opin Physiol. 2019. 9:1-6 (*shared first authorship)

* Winterer J, Lukacsovich D, Que L, Sartori AM, Luo W, Földy C. Single-cell RNA-Seq characterization of anatomically identified OLM interneurons in different transgenic mouse lines. Eur J Neurosci. 2019; 50(11):3750–3771.

* Rust R, Grönnert L, Gantner C, Enzler A, Mulders G, Weber RZ, Siewert A, Limasale YDP, Meinhardt A, Maurer MA, Sartori AM, Hofer AS, Werner C, Schwab ME. Nogo-A targeted therapy promotes vascular repair and functional recovery following stroke. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2019 Jul 9; 116(28):14270- 14279.

* Schneider MP*, Sartori AM*, Ineichen BV, Moors S, Engmann AK, Hofer AS, Weinmann O, Kessler TM, Schwab ME. Anti-Nogo-A antibodies as a potential causal therapy for lower urinary tract dysfunction after spinal cord injury. J Neurosci. 2019 Mar 22. (*shared first authorship).

* Tornic J*, Sartori AM*, Gajewski JB, Cox A, Schneider MP, Youssef NA, Mordasini L, Chartier-Kastler E, Bachmann LM, Kessler TM. Catheterization for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review. A report from the Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee of the International Continence Society (ICS). Neurourol Urodyn. 2018 Nov; 37(8):2315-2322. (*shared first authorship)

* Labouesse MA, Sartori AM, Weinmann O, Simpson EH, Kellendonk C, Weber-Stadlbauer U. Striatal dopamine 2 Receptor upregulation during development predisposes to diet-induced obesity by reducing energy output in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2018 Oct 9; 115(41):10493-10498.

* Schneider MP, Sartori AM, Tampé J, Moors S, Engmann AK, Ineichen BV, Hofer AS, Schwab ME, Kessler TM. Urodynamic measurements reflect physiological bladder function in rats. NeurourolUrodyn. 2018 Apr; 37(4):1266-1271.

* Foditsch EE, Roider K, Sartori AM, Kessler TM, Kayastha SR, Aigner L, Schneider MP. Cystometric and External Urethral Sphincter Measurements in Awake Rats with Implanted Catheter and Electrodes Allowing for Repeated Measurements. J Vis Exp. 2018 Jan 30; (131).

* Leitner L, Sybesma W, Chanishvili N, Goderdzishvili M, Chkhotua A, Ujmajuridze A, Schneider MP, Sartori AM, Mehnert U, Bachmann LM, Kessler TM. Bacteriophages for treating urinary tract infections in patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. BMC Urol. 2017 Sep 26; 17(1):90.